Procurement and Supply Chain
Blue Ocean takes pride in being a leading knowledge empowerment enterprise to have the Middle East’s largest network of supply chain professionals. Dynamic industries like supply chain require professionals to continuously keep themselves upskilled as per the industry specific trends. Supply chain related webinars are a big booster for those eager to acquire new skills and updated trends on the varied aspects related to the different wings of the extended supply chain.
We at Blue Ocean conduct frequent webinars that are facilitated by speakers associated from prominent professional accreditation bodies from the USA and the UK like International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute (IPSCMI), American Purchasing Society, American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) and others that are some of the world’s foremost authority in benchmarking, best practices, performance improvement and knowledge management.
Previous Webinars

Risk management

IMDG Training

Risks in Supply Chain

JULY 11, 2021

JUNE 17, 2021

MARCH 30, 2021

JANUARY 15, 2021

DECEMBER 17, 2020

DECEMBER 8, 2020

NOVEMBER 22, 2020

NOVEMBER 4, 2020

OCTOBER 7, 2020

SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

SEPTEMBER 27, 2020


AUGUST 20, 2020

AUGUST 13, 2020

AUGUST 10, 2020

JULY 25, 2020

JUNE 8, 2020

MAY 28, 2020

MAY 14, 2020